I've had so many people over the years encouraging me in my artwork and telling me that I should sell them, and I never thought much of it until I discovered the world of online selling! I used to paint realistic wildlife paintings and pet portraits and used to sell a few of those but it wasn't until my boss at the time told me about an online marketplace that I really got excited about the possibility of making a real go at selling my artwork. I also took a storybook illustration short course a few years ago (which was a complete waste of money!) but one thing it did do was it gave me the confidence to actually step out and start creating pictures from my own imagination, and hence a love for children's illustration was born.
What is your handmade business all about?
I love so many different art forms, I tend to make a lot of things as well as my artwork such as jewellery, felt toys, baby blocks and
more recently sculpture! But mostly my business is about making
children happy by providing whimsical and colourful paintings and
prints that both children and adults enjoy!
What do you enjoy most about your business?
It's so fun to do! As a creative person it's just so satisfying to create something and put so much energy into it, and then to have someone buy it and truly appreciate it, is such a wonderful thing!
What is your favourite product to make?
Ooh this is a tough one! I love making so many things, but I guess my true passion is painting children's illustrations, though making felt toys comes in as a close second!
How did you learn your craft?
I'm self taught, having drawn since I was little as I had a passion for it so just kept practicing! Plus it helps that my mother and grandmother are also very good at painting, I guess it's in the genes!

Energy and persistence to continually promote you shop and products! Online selling can be very rewarding but you are also competing with a lot of other shops, you need to be proactive in getting your name out there to bring shoppers in! You can't just list your items and sit back and wait for the sales to come to you! Also patience, sales can be very up and down at times and you just need to have patience and don't get discouraged, the sales will come!
What plans do you have for your business in the next year?
Lots of new children's illustrations and I am also really hoping to continue with my polymer clay sculptures which are based on my little girl characters from my paintings!
Visit Wishsong Design's Shop on Hand-Made.
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