Likers now have more control over the number of facebook status updates they receive from your page. Previously the options available were limited to 'Showing in newsfeed' or not selecting this. Facebook has now introduced 3 different settings: 'All updates'; 'Most updates' and 'Only important updates'.
Heres how:
Hover over (or click on mobile devices) the "Like/d" button and select 'Settings' from the dropdown
And select the level of updates you would like to receive

Facebook introduces #hashtags
For those of you who are twitter and instagram users you will be familiar with the hashtag and what it is used for. The hashtag enables users to follow specific topics of interest and conversation. While this is usually reserved for 'real time' content, I can certinally see the benefits for businesses to use hashtags to extend their reach beyond their current level(s).
So just what are hashtags?
By typing a '#' in front of a word or phrase (eg #hand-made) it turns this into a link that users can click on to find public posts, about that topic, where people have also entered the #hand-made as a part of the poast.
For more information on using facebook hashtags go here
Ability to post an image as a comment
I think this new feature, on facebook, is the one I am most excited about. Gone are the days of having to include links to images in posts, and comments, for people to show us images! Yippee!! Facebook has introduced the ability to post an image as a comment under status updates; not only that but they have also made it available on mobile devices. How do I do it? Well just click on that little camera icon and upload. Easy Peasy!
**please note facebook is still rolling this feature out and may not yet be available to all users at this point in time.
Mobile device changes
Popping in with some important info for all of you who have facebook pages. It has come to our attention that the newest layout on mobile devices can make it extremely difficult for fans to navigate through your page's photographs. First and foremost.......make sure you have your shop link in your description.
You might need to edit it a few times, and double check on your phone or tablet, to make sure that your customers can see it clearly with the new layout. I'm sure you have all noticed the many changes and upgrades that go on constantly. I know for me, it feels like I'm just getting comfortable with each new layout before the next new change occurs! Over the past few months there have been a number of changes that haven't made your job any easier. For example.....the number of Likers who are viewing your posts based on whether you are sharing other pages items, posting links, using photos etc. Also the ability to schedule your posts in advance ( leaving you more time to create ) was fantastic to begin with......but now if you use it, it means that less of your fans will actually see the post in their news-feed. Ok I'm waffling on now....... back to the photo and albums problem.
If you like to have photos of all your items in albums with the links to your listings then YIPPEE!!! That's awesome :) If you don't have links to your listings under each photo, then that's definitely something you should do! As you know, you don't always get notified of comments on photos so you could be potentially missing out on sales, which is the opposite of what we are trying to achieve.
Once again, please make sure you have your shop link in your description. This is extremely important!
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